Traveling through airport security with CBD

TSA officers aren’t going to search for marijuana, but be smart about it

For a lot of travelers, the idea of taking CBD through airport security is stressful. However, the Transportation Security Administration recently reported that their agents won’t bother travelers over a little CBD. The TSA updated its website to include special instructions concerning medical marijuana. There’s three paragraphs of confusing instructions that most people will never bother to read. It basically informs the public that marijuana prohibition is still federal law, and according to the Controlled Substances Act, remains illegal. In other words, while law enforcement agencies can arrest you for possession, the TSA won’t. TSA officers are required to follow the law, but they aren’t going to go looking for cannabis infused products. Any medications that contain hemp-derived CBD or are approved by the FDA are legal and can go through airport security. The Fam Bill removed the federal ban on hemp. CBD that is extracted from hemp is legal under federal law. Some states, however, still stick to the old laws and hemp remains illegal. CBD is available online, can be ordered easily and delivered right to the front door. The TSA doesn’t really care about all that. Their screening procedures are focused on security. They’re looking for potential threats to the plane and passengers. The TSA found 176 firearms in thirteen days, and 54 of those guns were loaded, with a round in the chamber. A small bottle of CBD oil isn’t a priority. TSA officers aren’t going to search for marijuana, but be smart about it. If you show up with twenty pounds of marijuana, you’re going to get into trouble. A small, personal amount of CBD gummies isn’t going to raise any alarms.


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