Looking for a helping hand

Most of my friends along with myself were growing marijuana even before it was able to be farmed. Of course, now we don’t have to worry so much about the police and being Rebels. My family and I have grown marijuana and cultivated the buds for 16 years. Every one of my friends along with myself have a pretty nice commercial grow room. The commercial grow room Keeps Us particularly busy most of the time. Add any individual month, we’re sending several pounds of product to be cultivator. All of us are the single of commercial farms for this County to grow marijuana each month by 300 pounds. The name of our first well-known strain is synonymous with other people in the Cannabis world. We honestly even have a nice line of t-shirts, stickers, one of these, and hats. Next April, my wife along with myself are honestly hopeful to attend a convention in Holland. There will be some of the best growers in the world there, and I want to find out more information about this Expo. Other marijuana farmers are looking to go as well. My wife along with myself honestly have to find someone to help us out on the farm while we are away. This is going to take more than just a single person with a little bit of knowledge. I need someone with commercial grow condo experience. My wife along with myself recognize this commercial grow person needs to have a lot of experience, so they’ll have to be paid a handsome sum to work here.


Looking for a helping hand