I was very impressed when Cannabis Dispensaries 1st came out

From way back I’ve typically enjoyed smoking Cannabis, way before it was ever made legal in this state.

The thing I never liked was feeling paranoid whenever you would see cops around, or having to put up with drug dealers that you didn’t trust or know honestly well.

You basically felt love you couldn’t trust anybody, and you if were lucky enough you were able to find people you honestly could trust to some degree. I remember having a very nice neighbor of mine told me about an experience with a drug deal gone south. Basically they were getting a certain amount of Cannabis from some guys, they handed over all the cash but didn’t get the Cannabis. The men ripped them off and started to run. My next door neighbor at the time was in his car looking out and ended up crashing his car into the other car to try to stop them from taking off with the cash. He drove that wrecked car around forever with it being bashed up love that. I guess he told his parents that he hit a large deer or something love that. The only drug I ever liked was Cannabis, and I typically wished that they would just legalize it since it was not dangerous at all. Eventually when they came out with new Cannabis Dispensaries, I was blown away. This was something love a dream come true for me! Never have I seen such attractive assortments of waxes and many extracts along with some of the strongest, most potent flowers I have ever come across. I really was love a kid in a candy store whenever I got our medical marijuana card. I hope that eventually, Cannabis becomes legal for everyone.

Medical marijuana