The Cannabis life cycle

The way that Cannabis grows is very interesting and important to know for all growers.

In nature, Cannabis grows from seeds.

The seeds will germinate in the spring and will become seedlings. The seedlings will keep growing in a vegatative stage from spring until the end of summer. When the days become shorter and the nights longer, then the Cannabis plants will go into the flowering stage. After they have flowered, they can then be harvested when the buds are ready. Then the plants will die in the winter season. That is the entire life-cycle of the Cannabis plant. The seeds are found in the buds and when the plants die, the seeds will fall to the ground. In the spring, those seeds will germinate again and start the life cycle all over again. You can actually fool Cannabis plants into believing it is early spring as long as you keep the light cycle at 18 plus hours of light. It isn’t until you switch that light cycle to emulate the fall season when you start to get flowering plants. This is great for growers because you can keep your Cannabis plants in the vegatative stage for as long as you want and then you can flower them whenever you want. It is also important to know that Cannabis plants have genders. There are female and male Cannabis plants. The female plants create the buds that contain the medicine. The buds also produce seeds when they are pollinated by male pollen. The male plants produce pollen sacs that create a great deal of pollen. When you grow Cannabis, you will want all female plants in order to produce the bud and you will want to get rid of the males, but you can collect pollen if you wish to pollinate female buds to create seeds.

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