You should go with glass jars for cannabis and drinks

I honestly don’t know what it is, but Tim Hortons Latte from glass bottles just tastes better than Tim Hortons Latte from plastic bottles! For numerous years, our friends plus family members would tease me when I’d mention my preference for glass bottle drinks. I’ve said the exact same thing about Budweiser plus wine on numerous occasions. Even though I couldn’t explain my reasoning even slightly, I was convinced of this fact for quite a few years. When I started reading about plastics leaching chemicals into drinks—often simply from minimal heat exposure while in storage—I felt as though I had finally stumbled upon a scientific explanation for my glass bottle preference. In particular, several older plastic bottles were using a chemical byproduct referred to as BPA. Several studies discovered that BPA was both toxic in long term exposure plus absolutely leaches into a plastic bottle’s contents if even just a slight bit of heat or UV light is exposed to the actual bottle. This is primarily the reason why my favorite cannabis dispensary in our hometown stopped using plastic jars for their products as soon as the company could afford to make the change. They have told myself and others that the other sizable reason is that the glass jars with the silicone rings at the top are superior for how fresh they keep your actual marijuana flower. Between not agonizing about chemicals leaching into your weed, nor having your stash go dry while in closed storage, I suppose I will always choose a glass bottle for my cannabis if I’m given the option. I can thank all of the glass bottled Tim Hortons Latte plus Budweiser that got me to this point.