I think I will pull through my cancer battle with medical cannabis

When you’re really young, in amazing shape and fit, the last thing you expect to hear from your health worker is that you have cancer. When I heard the words testicular cancer, everything after that was essentially a blur. It was as though I was floating underwater or something. The sounds were getting through but were totally garbled. So thrilled I wasn’t by myself or I might not have understood that I had a truly excellent chance of actually beating this style of cancer. And thanks to medical marijuana, I am fighting with essentially all I have. Once I had the diagnosis, everything went relatively quickly. There was a surgery to remove the mass and check how far the cancer had spread. Then it was me heading into chemo. This is where medical cannabis helped me a lot. The chemo hit me especially hard and I was nauseous basically all the time. I had zero appetite. But after my wifey went to the legal weed store for some particular medical marijuana products, it got better pretty fast. At first, I utilized the cannabis flower products however I was having a challenging time not coughing everything away. So the two of us switched to cannabis gummies. That was most definitely the answer. It completely got me through chemo. Now that I am dealing with the radiation process, medical marijuana is easily helping me manage the pain and help me keep a completely positive outlook. And being positive is one of the finest things a person in my situation can do. It won’t be too long I hope before I am in remission. Thanks to medical marijuana I believe I will make it.

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