It wasn’t as fresh as I thought

Since I couldn’t get rid of it, I used it as our personal stash, and while I had all the marijuana I wanted for a few months, it constantly left a poor taste in my mouth

When it comes to certain things, like toilet paper, paper towels and cans, buying in bulk can be smart… Going to a sizable box store to buy the 88 pack of gatorade will save you a lot of money over buying the smaller packages one at a time. When it comes to fresh fruits, however, buying bulk is constantly a huge mistake. There are all sorts of products to help you preserve food for longer, however it constantly changes the taste. If you vacuum seal a pork product and freeze it, you can keep it for months, but it doesn’t seem as tasty. The same is true for marijuana, I can tell you from personal experience. This was a few years back, when I was on the verge of dropping out of college and needed a little extra income, so I purchased a whole pound of marijuana. I got a good cost, however it was not the top quality marijuana! Long story short, I had a hard time getting rid of it, so I packaged up the cannabis into vacuum sealed bags and put them in the ice chest because I had been told that was the best way to preserve freshness. This cannabis was not great to begin with, and spending time in the deep freeze did not help things in the slightest. Since I couldn’t get rid of it, I used it as our personal stash, and while I had all the marijuana I wanted for a few months, it constantly left a poor taste in my mouth. I mean that literally as well as figuratively.


recreational marijuana