My parents grow marijuana now

I am super shocked, and my entire life is changing even as I write this.

I went to visit my folks this weekend, and my older sibling was there too, so it was a mini family dinner.

The people I was with and I usually only see each other on the summer break, so this was a nice little treat, and my Mom was firing up the grill in the evening, and had a sick platter of veggies and sausage to cook up for us, while our dad was making a fresh salad with fruits from his own garden. It was so fun, so I snuck outside to smoke a little cannabis and chill out. There I saw something that shocked me… our mom was sitting next to the grill with a water bong and a huge canister of neon red marijuana. The old guy wasn’t just sneaking a little puff of a hit, he had a sweet gig and enough weed to show myself and my brother he was a drastic smoker. I was so shocked, I never knew that our parents smoked cannabis, and now I find out dad absolutely smokes way more than I do! The hits just kept on coming, when I found out that all of that sweet, delicious cannabis came from our mother’s garden! I guess somewhere behind all the rows of veggies and flowers there were a few hidden weed plants. Mom has been growing the marijuana for years, and I had no idea. All that time I was trying to hide our cannabis use from them, they were also hiding their smoking from me.
recreational pot