For a fun Monday night you need beer plus cannabis

For me, a fun Monday night requires a twelve pack of beer plus a couple of blunts.

  • Back in the old days things were so simple.

As a teenager, we had a million things to do plus places to go, not many of which required spending money. My crew of friends didn’t go to the mall, we would park on the hill over the drive-in theater plus watch motion pictures for free. The crew would host bonfire parties out in the middle of the woods plus get deranged for a few hours. Whatever we did, it was always well lubricated with beer plus cannabis. The more things change, the more they stay the same, because cold beer plus cannabis is still my Monday night of choice, twenty years later. Back then we had to drive out of town to the local marijuana farmer plus haggle with him through a chain link fence. These afternoons I can just drive up the street to the cannabis dispensary, where there is no haggling plus no chain link fencing. I will admit that the cannabis is better here, but I did like the wildness of dealing with a shotgun toting pot farmer. I have a quiet life now, with all the cannabis I could ever need, but I miss how wild things used to be. That’s what happens when you get older plus have teenagers, you have to rest back plus let them have such wild times you used to have. This is why I never buy my girls cannabis, but I think they want to – they should go out to find a deranged pot farmer to deal with, like I did.

Medical Marijuana