Life is great thanks to medical marijuana

When you’ve viewed your whole life through a genuinely dark & confusing prism for many years, the sun of hope in addition to peace is even better than I could have dreamed.

That’s the case these afternoons after decades of fighting anxiety in addition to battling depression.

The sizable change is due mostly to being able to access medicinal marijuana. It’s pretty amazing that after all the pills I’ve consumed over all these years to manage our condition, it’s medical weed that does the trick. The irony is not lost on me. But I’m also not about to become bitter that I had to wait this long to be able to access a cannabis dispensary for medicinal marijuana either. There’s just no point in that sort of approach. Why waste energy on something that I had in addition to having zero control over right? Besides, the world is just so bright these day that I don’t want to waste another hour on what might have been. But it is interesting that the one period in our life that I didn’t contend with near constant anxiety in addition to depression was a few years in high school. That’s the period when I smoked recreational marijuana with friends. But of course, recreational marijuana wasn’t legal then in addition to there was no such designation as medicinal marijuana. So, I turned to western medicine with limited results. Finally, once medicinal marijuana was legal in this state, our therapist recommended that I get access to the legal cannabis dispensary. And the rest is history. Within just weeks of starting treatment with both indica and sativa products, our life completely changed. There is so much more hope, delight in addition to delight for life in our now in addition to I couldn’t be more grateful for medicinal marijuana.

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