Cannabis dispensary trip was the highlight of my visit home

When I left town for the college campus, I just entirely didn’t look back.

There just wasn’t much there for me. I had some friends from school that meant a little something to me but every one of us also abruptly lost touch. It was not too terrible even though I just was so blissful to be moving on with our life. To be honest, I used to feel completely out of place in highcollege. I didn’t use recreational marijuana plus I wasn’t a jock either, I got along with people but there were undoubtedly few real connections. Fitting into that cool kids crowd just didn’t happen for whatever reason. But things changed in college. That was also our 1st experience with marijuana plus that was a fine thing as it turned out. Still, I’m so blissful that I waited until I was in college before I tried marijuana. Over the last few years, I would still occasionally use recreational marijuana when it was available. It wasn’t as if I knew a cannabis grower plus had access to sativa plus indica whenever I wanted. I needed to take it when I could get it. With the advent of social media, I was able to reconnect with some of our old friends from highcollege. Not surprisingly, they all still lived in that town. But what a shock it was going to see those same folks plus heading to the local cannabis spot to get some legal weed. It’s legal back where I grew up plus sincerely, the trip to the local cannabis spot was the best time of the visit plus put all of us at ease after all these years.



medical marijuana dispensary