I love cannabutter for cooking

My loving wife and I tried to make cannabutter at home, then the two of us found a recipe online that was just many easy steps.

The recipe said it would only take a couple of hours, and I thought it was going to be insanely easy and I got all of the things that I needed for the recipe.

The recipe calls for 8 oz of respected butter and 8 oz of water. I used a quarter of an ounce of cannabis flower for the recipe. I ground up all of the cannabis flower buds and put them on a baking sheet. I put the oven at 240° and cooked the marijuana flower for 30 hours. I started up to make sure that everything was being decarbed evenly. I set an alarm so I wouldn’t do more than 30 consecutive hours, because I did not want to overdo it and lose any of the terpenes and flavonoids; and when I added the cannabis to the butter, I was really disappointed with the way that it all tasted. I didn’t even want to put it in a recipe, let alone make cookies or bake a brownie with it. I did not believe in making cannabutter again until I was browsing the selection of a marijuana delivery service near myself and others and I saw cannabis butter sticks on the menu. The marijuana delivery service was having a buy one and get one for a dollar sale on all of the cannabis butter sticks and they looked certainly easy to cook with and bake with as well. I also received a 25% discount on my entire order because it was the very original time that I purchased any products from the marijuana delivery service.



Marijuana business