They never visited when I was in a medical weed only state

It is annoying being in a medical and recreational weed state.

  • Why is that? Everyone wants to come visit me suddenly.

When I lived in a colder state that was only medical weed, nobody came to see me. Everyone was busy and couldn’t make it out. When I moved to the west coast near a beach and recreational pot shops, everyone missed me. I constantly am getting people that want to come stay with me. Some people are really pushing it. I don’t feel I have ever had this many friends before. Everyone wants to stay at least a week. I see it. They get a ride from the airport and a free airbnb. I make them food and they get to relax on the beach. They also get access to recreational weed within walking distance. What a cheap, fun vacation. They just need to put up with me for a few days. I have started considering closing down my airbnb. I want to tell people they can’t visit me anymore. I am sick of always having guests. I hate that I need to show off the recreational weed dispensaries. I hate that I am supposed to stock up on food, clean the guest room and entertain my guests. I am willing to do it for my family, but friends don’t get to do it on a yearly basis. Why am I the vacation spot? It is tempting to move back to a medical weed only state just to see if all these friends disappear again.

how to get a medical marijuana card