I am doing a lot of research about cannabis products

My mom knows all the benefits of medical marijuana.

She’s done her fair share of research on a variety of strains of cannabis and the effects they have on different peoples health troubles.

She would often tell me of the different effects marijuana can have on the body and I found it fascinating. My mom had just started going back to college, but she wanted to work at a dispensary near by for some extra cash. I was already graduated from high school, so it didn’t bother me none. She applied to be a budtender at the dispensary. My mom was very passionate about going back to college so she really tried to juggle that as well as working at the cannabis dispensary. Luckily, the owner of the dispensary told my mom that he would give her a sales training and cannabis products training that she could take online. Even thought she knew everything already, she needed the cannabis education to ensure that she was qualified to suggest different strains of marijuana to clients coming in. She was able to do the dispensary sales training and the cannabis products training while she worked on her homework for class. She could even juggle doing her coursework for her classes while still studying more about cannabis. My mom wasn’t even the only person to do the online training, a few other coworkers had to do the dispensary team training and she’d talk to them about what they were doing that she might be able to incorporate in her research. I’m so happy that she found something she wouldn’t mind doing to make money while she worked on her education.


marijuana sales education