We get some of the finest Cannabis strains around

While legalization is coming around for Cannabis, there are still so many strict laws and penalties for not abiding by those strict laws.

I honestly don’t see why anybody can’t just grow their own Cannabis for their personal or medical needs, but we always have the government to try to tell people what they can and cannot do.

Being in a fairly tolerant state that supports Cannabis legalization, I started off growing my own Cannabis. The thing is, you are only allowed to have a max of 6 plants per household, up to 12 if there are multiple adults. It was just my wife and I so we went to the 12 plant maximum. This was not so bad because there really is a lot of work even with only 12 plants. We both got so good at growing quality Cannabis, that we decided to apply for official growing licenses so we could sell our Cannabis products to the local dispensaries. There were a lot of hoops to jump through because the government doesn’t make this process easy. You are taxed so much in your business, you really have to consider if it’s worth it. If you believe that you will end up making good money, then you should pay the taxes and the fees for the growing license. Even with the growing license, we are limited to the amount we are allowed to grow, but we have been doing very well. The people at the Cannabis dispensaries love our products because we get some of the finest and most popular strains around.


Climate controlled facilities