The marijuana legalization

My dad loves to go on and on about the “slippery slope” that America is on.

  • I couldn’t disagree more with him, even though I see little sense in arguing with him, however he is actually set in his ways, prefer a lot of senior citizens, and usually I am high out of my head when I am talking with him.

That entirely saps my desire to enter into a pointless debate about drug laws with him. His whole life the government and the medical community told him that marijuana was evil. He really still calls it “the devil’s lettuce” which never fails to crack me up. I have been a steady cannabis user since I was 17, which makes it a nice more than two decades worth of marijuana consumption under my belt; My dad was not quite so outraged about medical marijuana legalization as he is about recreational use being made legal. I don’t guess he will ever come around to the system that cannabis is not that awful for you, and it never has been, it was just a propaganda campaign from the tobacco industry. The more people smoke marijuana the less they will smoke tobacco, and Big Tobacco knew this, so they demonized it. The greatest irony of all is that while he despises marijuana use, he has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for as long as I can remember; Nicotine is a drug that you smoke, and he is good with that, however the smoking of cannabis for some reason is over the line for my dad.

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