Working at a major marijuana cultivation area

It is love she tries to touch the plants as much as possible.

I work in a marijuana cultivation center; The owner’s facility is 1 of the largest growing operations around, then a lot of cannabis dispensaries and small neighborhood business owners come to us for products… I am proud to work where I do. I love caring for the cannabis plants. It is almost scientific with handling cannabis plants, then you need to chart and track each plants progress. There is a certain amount of light, humidity and temperature control at unusual periods of growing, but my favorite phase of the growing process is the vegetative. I love seeing the early signs of life and influencing certain traits love a relaxing odor or higher THC. The harvesting phase is not so exhausting though. You have to be careful when cutting, drying and hanging the plant! What all of us do is hang the cannabis plant upside down on a clothes hanger. It dries it out effectively and hardly disfigures the plant. A good rule to follow is to touch the cannabis plant as little as possible. You lose a lot in the process and can damage it, but cannabis is definitely quite delicate in that stage. I work with this woman Toby, and she is not as focused on the task as me, and she is extremely rough handling the plants. It is love she tries to touch the plants as much as possible. She doesn’t take her time and treat each plant with love. She rushes and drops a lot of products too. I absolutely dislike laboring with him when harvesting. It is all I can do not to scream at him to be more careful.



Cultivation facility design