I’m looking forward to legalized marijuana.

I know it sounds odd, but I am looking forward to when they legalize marijuana.

I have never used marijuana and I’m not looking to start now.

I am too old to start new habits now. My son-in-law however, enjoys using marijuana. I worry every day that he and my daughter are going to get in trouble. He tells me that he has been using marijuana to help with his PTSD for years now. I know that he uses medical marijuana all the time, but my daughter doesn’t have a prescription. She tells me that she only uses a small bit when she makes brownies and other edibles for her husband. I know that if they legalized marijuana, I wouldn’t be nearly as worried as I am right now. No one thinks twice about someone who has four or five beers when he comes home from work. It is normal to hear that a woman comes home and has a cocktail or a glass of wine just to relax. It seems that even being angry or having a fight with a significant other is the right time to imbibe in a couple alcoholic drinks. You also have the people who are using cigarettes to relax. They may not be intoxicant, but they can cause cancer. I can’t understand what the big fight is about legalizing marijuana. Is marijuana really any more dangerous, if using in your own home, than getting drunk and threatening your own children. They legalized alcohol, maybe they should also legalize marijuana. None of it makes a lot of sense to me.
medical weed