Medical marijuana dispensaries are urging folks to order online

New virus guidelines from the CDC were posted yesterday.

No more than eight people can be in one room at a time, and everyone has to stand at least six feet apart. This is the only way to stop the spread of this awful coronavirus that has invaded our country and our homes. All stores that are not deemed important have to close down. Places like the medical marijuana dispensary are urging folks to stay home and order online. All of the dispensaries in our area are offering free delivery. I went online this morning to place a pickup order. There was a large pop up on the screen that stated delivery orders would be 100% free. I was going to pick up my order from the cannabis dispensary, but I decided to try out the delivery service instead. I placed my order around 10 in the morning. I purchased almost $500 worth of medical marijuana supplies. I purchased an entire ounce of stinky weed and I also purchased a handful of edibles. I bought two distillate syringes with indica and hybrid strains. I probably could have purchased an entire cart full of items if they weren’t so expensive. I selected delivery during the checkout process. They had me select a delivery time and add my physical address. I selected an afternoon time for delivery. All of the choices were hour-long slots, so I chose the two to three o’clock slot. The delivery driver was ahead of schedule, and my items arrived shortly before my chosen time period. I spent the rest of the day trying my new meds.


Marijuana delivery