How cannabis can treat chronic pain

Do you think the number a single reason people go into a cannabis dispensary? I would have thought it was people looking to have a nice time.

  • I figured recreational weed users outnumbered the medical marijuana patients.

Not at all. So what medical issue are people going to the cannabis dispensary for? I thought perhaps people who had cancer & were using it to help nausea neighbord with chemotherapy. That is in the top 3 however number a single is chronic pain; Elderly, former athletes & those who had unlucky accidents are turning to medical marijuanat o help their pain! Cannabis can reduce inflammation, redness & swelling. It is nice for arthritis & other forms of muscle tension. You don’t even need to smoke marijuana to get relief either. I think that is what is attracting so many people, but grandma doesn’t want to smoke a joint or take a huff out of a giant bong. She doesn’t need to anymore. Smoking cannabis oil through a vape is easy, discreet & not as awkward, but however, there are oils that you can put in soda & drink before bed. A lot of people with arthritis pain choose to go with a topical though. It is prefer a more powerful icy hot. They put the cream on their damaged section twice a day & should see nice results. It doesn’t even think prefer a cannabis product. There are topicals that only contain CBD so the user isn’t even getting high. It is technically weed however at the end of the day, is it really?


medical cannabis dispensary