The application preparation service saved us valuable time and energy

My business partner and I put up 5 million dollars each so we could open a medical and recreational marijuana dispensary.

  • It was a ton of money, but we wanted the business to be successful and profitable and we dind;t want to leave anything up to chance.

In this state, it costs a lot of money to become a licensed dispensary. You have to be able to harvest, cure, and package the marijuana. Every aspect of the process has to be handled in-house. We knew it was going to be an uphill battle, but my partner and I wanted to get in on the ground level of the business. We hired a consulting service and application service specialist to help us with the application and paperwork. The applications for the medical and recreational marijuana dispensary were very difficult to understand and even more difficult to fill out on our own. We found a lawyer that specializes in cannabis law. The guy charged a nominal fee for his help, but our paperwork was not rejected. We knew a couple of other cannabis business owners that had their paperwork rejected several times due to the smallest errors. When our paperwork and licenses were approved the first time around, both of us were extremely happy that we decided to use an application preparation service. Six months later, we were harvesting our first batch of legal cannabis crops. We had almost 200 pounds of cannabis flower buds. It took awhile to get started and the process wasn’t easy, but now it’s smooth sailing from here.



marijuana business consulting service