When you’re done preaching, I’ll explain why CBD isn’t an illegal drug.

My father is 1 of the preachiest people anyone has ever met, no matter what someone says, he has a sermon to go with it; I could understand him getting so preachy if he were a preacher, however I know he just appreciates to hear himself talk, then he is also someone who thinks he is the only 1 who is ever right, then the people I was with and I were having a discussion about CBD versus marijuana.

My father went on a tangent about CBD being addictive and how it should not be used.

I tried to explain to him that CBD was not the same as marijuana, despite the fact that he didn’t want to hear it. He went on a full-blown rant about if I ever told him I used marijuana or CBD, he was going to put myself and others into a rehab center. He went on to tell myself and others that if he found I was using a hour time, I would be disowned. I could not recognize how off the wall our father was when the two of us were only discussing CBD. I finally got his attention and I told him that when he was done preaching, I would explain why CBD isn’t an illegal drug. He threw his hands up in the air and said that trying to talk to kids was like talking to a brick wall and walked away from me. My mom wanted to know what I had done to upset our Mom, and I explained; She could not recognize I would get into a conversation about CBD or marijuana with him knowing how he felt about such things. I made the decision to never have a dire conversation with our father again.


CBD Dispensary