No need to worry now that there is a local cannabis spot

I can remember a time when I was in college that I was so enamored with recreational marijuana that I just didn’t want to run out.

Of course, I was young and really didn’t understand how to procure cannabis.

At the time, I was sort of just fortunate that just about everyone I knew used recreational marijuana and could hook me up. Still, I really didn’t like the idea of not being able to go out and get some weed myself. So I tried it a couple of times. It worked out pretty much the way you’d think. I ended up with something resembling marijuana and perhaps there was some cannabis in that bag. But the THC content was a complete mystery as was the person I bought it from. It was like a quick exchange of marijuana and money behind a pizza joint. This was my introduction to the irregularities of procuring cannabis products. Not only did I not have any indication of the THC content, I had to take what I could get. It’s not like I could ask for sativa or indica. And getting hybrid strains for sale was unheard of back then. It didn’t get better as I got to being an adult either. It’s not like I knew a small time cannabis grower or anything. So once again, I was left to the kindness of friends who might score me a bit of marijuana from time to time. Then, it all changed. Now, I can take a bike ride to the my local cannabis spot to get whatever sort of cannabis product that interests me. It’s like a big weight of doubt and the unknown when it came to having cannabis products has been lifted.



medical cannabis