Including cannabis in my workouts

I shop at the local dispensary because I like to consume cannabis right before my daily workout.

I’ve found that it increases my motivation and enjoyment.

It helps me to exercise harder and longer and accelerates post-workout recovery. During my training sessions, I focus mainly on cardio. I’m always trying to burn more calories and tone my muscles. Cardio exercises elevate the heart rate and increase breathing. Blood vessels expand and the respiratory system is forced to work harder. It’s a great way to not only maintain a good weight but stay healthy. During cardio exercise, the body releases natural painkillers, called endorphins, that improve mood. The body’s endocannabinoid system also contributes anandamide that adds to the feel-good effects. After a workout, I’m always more productive and have a better outlook. I include running, jumping rope, power walking, cycling, swimming, burpees, jumping rope and mountain climbers in my exercise sessions. I’ve found that a cannabis tincture, vape or hit off a pipe gives me a good boost of energy. I can place a few drops of a tincture under my tongue and wait a minute for the liquid to absorb. The effects set in within minutes and are just enough to get inspired. I like that tinctures don’t require any extra gear and create no smoke or odors. Vape pens are convenient because they fit right into a pocket. All it takes is the press of a button. I inhale and feel the high almost immediately. When I browse at the dispensary I look for sativa-dominant hybrids that give me a mild buzz. I don’t want anything too potent. I like to apply a cannabis-infused topical to my muscles after my shower. They effectively lessen pain and inflammation.



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