Cannabis cream and pregnancy

I feel like there needs to be some research done on medical weed and pregnancy.

I had a lot of symptoms that medical cannabis could have helped with.

I developed really bad acid reflux in pregnancy. Cannabis has been shown to reduce stomach acid. I also had a lot of swelling and pain in my joints. Weed is good for reducing inflammation. I then experienced trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. A tincture would have worked perfectly. They are unsure if cannabis and pregnancy is okay. There haven’t been any tests done on it. I get that smoking a joint or vaping an oil is probably no good. Anything with THC shouldn’t be consumed. What about a topic though? There are topicals that are applied to the skin to decrease inflammation. There is no THC getting into the bloodstream. It is like putting icy heat on your skin. Since the CBD comes from pot, it is a no no for pregnant ladies. But why? I just don’t get what the CBD cream would really do to the baby. If it doesn’t get into my blood, how will it affect the child? I feel that one should at least be allowed. I was so tempted to put it on my swollen ankles and legs. Having any sort of relief at the 9 month mark would have been much appreciated. Instead I just suffered and powered through. Eventually there should be some studies done on topicals and pregnancy. It just makes sense that a cream would be fine for us.

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