Sometimes cannabis affects my depth perception

I’m generally not the biggest fan of being intoxicated.

The first time I had alcohol my friends pressured me into drinking more than what I was comfortable with.

I’ll never forget the horrible feeling of spins and my head when I would close my eyes. It felt like the entire room was spinning like a top. I remember drinking lots of water and eating lots of bread just to sober-up from the experience. It was a really frustrating night then I woke up with the worst hangover the next morning. I didn’t want to drink alcohol again for weeks after that. However, my friends convinced me to go drinking with them again soon enough. Right around this time I discovered a different drug that I prefer a lot more than I’ll call. I tried marijuana with a student I met in an English class. I’ll never forget how good I felt the first time I tried cannabis. All of my fears and anxieties melted away as I drifted off until feeling of relaxation and contentment. I’ve been using cannabis almost daily since that time. The only thing that really frustrates me about regular cannabis use are some of the side effects. Aside from getting sedation from the plan when I smoke it, it also messes with my depth perception. That’s not a good thing for driving especially. That’s why it’s smart to abstain from driving a vehicle if you’ve been using a lot of cannabis throughout the day. It doesn’t affect your driving as poorly as alcohol, but it’s still not a good idea to mix.

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