Cannabis vape pens are very easy and discreet

I partied pretty hard back in school, however I work hard to maintain a clean-cut image now that I’m in my 30s.

I work for a bank.

Even though every one of us doesn’t get drug inspected, our employers are not supportive of cannabis use in the slightest. Someone was actually fired this past year after he was caught getting high in his car while waiting to come into work for his shift that particular afternoon. It’s fairly unlucky that he was terminated, however I can’t imagine it would’ve been a better situation if he had been drinking instead. You can’t come into work intoxicated no matter what drug it is you’re using. Although I don’t smoke weed in the bank’s parking lot, I only use the most discreet cannabis products that are for sale. I certainly can’t risk enjoying a joint in public plus having everyone on the street corner smell the smoke. There are a few alternatives to combusting the flower buds. These days you can genuinely get marijuana oils that come preloaded into vaporizer cartridges. They basically screw onto a battery plus they heat up the oil plus create a thick cloud of vapor when you inhale. A bunch of these cartridges use the exact same technology that goes into nicotine vapes, making them essentially indistinguishable most of the time. Because of this, cannabis vape cartridge products are totally discreet when you’re in public or traveling out there on the road. I have a few friends who take them through TSA at the airports plus hardly ever run into trouble. I don’t really know if I would have the guts to try something like this, however I’ll take them on road trips all the time.


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