My boss at the cannabis dispensary is so hot!

When I told my boss Pat I was quitting, plus going to work for our competition, she was unquestionably frustrated with the news.

  • I was one of her best workers, plus Pat didn’t want myself and others to quit.

Pat especially didn’t want myself and others to go to work for the other shop, who we were currently competing directly against. Pat told myself and others to suppose about it, she gave myself and others a juicy raise, plus said we would talk again the next afternoon. It was such a difficult option for myself and others to make, because I easily didn’t want to quit that task. I loved working for her in that cannabis dispensary, plus our rivals were jerks, however they had given myself and others more money to come work for their cannabis dispensary. The real reason that I was considering the move, however, had nothing to do with work at all. The truth is that I had been in like with Pat, the manager of our cannabis dispensary, for weeks. I was head over heels for the woman, but I could never really be with her while she was my boss, it was against supplier rules. I was willing to head to another cannabis dispensary just to have a shot with her, plus ultimately I decided to tell Pat that, however much to my delight, it turned out that Pat had feelings for myself and others too, so we decided to keep easily working at the cannabis dispensary together plus tells a lie to the bosses. The corporate cannabis supplier that owns us would never know, so long as we remained cool about it, plus didn’t do anything inappropriate in the shop.
cannabis drinks