Enjoying marijuana for the very first time

Where and when I was raised came with a whole lot of myth and misinformation when it came to marijuana.

I grew up in a time and place that was wholeheartedly against cannabis products of any kind.

The stance on cannabis was based mostly in religion and a cultural bias that was just plain wrong. Thankfully, I haven’t had to live in that state for decades. So I was a bit stunned to learn that the medical marijuana had passed and there would soon be a cannabis dispensary opening in my hometown. I really could hardly believe it. The state that I lived in since college is completely the opposite. This state was one of the pioneers when it came to legalizing medical marijuana. These days, anyone of age can access a cannabis dispensary. And really that’s the way it should be. I even discovered marijuana later in life due to the fact that recreational marijuana became legal. For some reason, I just never took the opportunity to use cannabis or cannabis products. Maybe it was a holdover from all that misinformation of my youth. But when a friend decided to walk into a local cannabis spot I just followed her in. I was amazed to see all the different varieties of marijuana for sale in the cannabis dispensary. My friend even bought me my first pot brownie. I have to say that evening was a life changing epiphany for me and I was eager to visit the local cannabis spot again. Since then, I have to say that marijuana has really added a great deal of perspective, hope and positivity to my life and I could not be more thankful.

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