I couldn’t wait for there to be a marijuana store near me

I also used the marijuana butter in the mash potatoes and gravy

For the last couple months, I had been watching the store front across from my apartment. The sign on the storefront told me that a new store was coming. It gave me the date of the grand opening, but no information. As the month rolled on, I watched closely at everything that was coming and going into the store. It suddenly made sense why they were keeping the type of store that was opening, secret. I had a marijuana store near me and I couldn’t wait for it to open. I thought about all the parties my friends and I could throw and we didn’t need to travel to get our marijuana supplies. I silently thanked the gods for the legalization of recreational marijuana and the new marijuana store that was across the street from where I lived. I planned on finding out if they delivered and what it would cost for delivery. If we suddenly found ourselves out of marijuana in the middle of a party, I wanted to know I could get more. I liked to throw dinner parties for my friends. Everything I cooked on those nights, would have some kind of marijuana infused into the recipe. I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and gravy. The green beans were cooked in marijuana butter. I used my mortar and pestle to grind up enough marijuana to use in the meatloaf. I also used the marijuana butter in the mash potatoes and gravy. I couldn’t wait for the marijuana store to open. It was going to be a great addition to our neighborhood.

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