Amazed at all the cannabis products at the dispensary

Being my Grandpa’s caretaker, I had been into a marijuana dispensary several times! When he was not actually able to get around plus go to the marijuana store for his own medical marijuana supplies, I was the 1 who went to get his orders.

Since recreational marijuana had been legalized in our state, I didn’t need to have a caretaker’s marijuana card to be able to get into the dispensaries.

I was honestly surprised at the various products that were being supplied as compared to what were provided for legal medical marijuana. It seemed basically like the amount of marijuana products on inventory was just about tripled as compared to legal medical marijuana products. With medical marijuana you could easily get the concentrates which could be used to make edibles, but you cannot buy edible marijuana products if you only had a medical marijuana card. With the onset of legal recreational marijuana, you could still buy the concentrates however, you could just go into the marijuana dispensary plus buy the edibles completely premade. The amount of edible products actually took me by surprise. There were no longer just the gummy bears, however gummy worms plus other interesting kinds of candies available. You can now buy chocolates that were infused with marijuana. There were sodas that were also infused with marijuana plus many of them had various strengths of marijuana in them. I don’t truly believe anyone could have prepared me for the change in marijuana products that were now available for all the people to get. It’s going to take Grandpa plus I quite some time before we can sort through all the up-to-date marijuana products plus find the 1s that are the best.


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